We provide support to ensure the trouble-free operation of your infrastructure.
In addition to the services of our partners, we bundle all of our own services under the LifeLine brand.
Basically, our services are co-managed and give the customer full access to their components at all times. This ensures full transparency for an infrastructure at all times. From our TeVision.ai platform, we generate detailed reports for our customers in order to jointly develop optimisation measures from the analysed results.
Project management and implementation
IT infrastructure projects are personnel-intensive. As a service provider, we take care of all the necessary activities for the implementation. Design, pre-staging, logistics and commissioning are integral components of a project service and flow smoothly into each other. Once successfully implemented, the new infrastructure is transferred to the customer’s team or, if desired, to Telonic’s managed service.
Managed LAN/WLAN
From our Security Network Operation Center (SNOC), we manage networks around the clock, both wireless and wired. With our TeVision.ai platform, we proactively identify potential problems and initiate the necessary recovery measures. In doing so, we assume operational responsibility and coordinate a service level agreement with the customer.
If, for regulatory or other reasons, the customer does not want to implement their management with tools from the manufacturer’s cloud, we take over with our Telonic Enterprise Cloud (TEC). The TEC is a highly secured environment; and owned and operated by Telonic – extremely secure yet flexibly adaptable.
Managed SD-WAN
Modern wide area networks consist of an underlay and an overlay infrastructure. The underlay is formed by various carriers with their line services, while the overlay is built by Telonic with state-of-the-art SD-WAN gateways.
For the customer, Telonic is the single point of contact 24x7x365, regardless of whether a line has failed or an SD-WAN gateway is causing problems. All threads come together in our Security Network Operation Center SNOC, from where carrier management is also carried out. With full access to their SD-WAN gateways and Telonic’s TeVision.ai platform, the customer has a transparent view of their underlay and overlay infrastructure.
Managed Security
With the help of our self-developed Security Action Platform Humboldt, we monitor all threats and attacks on the customer 24x7x365.
With the help of experts from the Security Network Operation Center SNOC and Telonic T-CERT, all security-relevant incidents are observed and analysed in real time and necessary measures are initiated immediately. All processes and initiatives are designed in such a way that hidden threats can be identified from the flood of information within a minimal period of time in order to mitigate the threat situation as quickly as possible.
Threat Simulation
In order to check its own security infrastructure for vulnerabilities, Telonic confronts the customer’s defence environment with realistic attack simulations. Neither servers, endpoints nor applications of the customer are affected, instead only agents managed by us are implemented internally as well as externally. The customer can use the results to fix vulnerabilities and thus gain certainty that his security is prepared for an emergency.
Wi-Fi Site Survey
High-performance and stable Wi-Fi requires a coordinated infrastructure. In order to optimally design the position of the access points, their transmission power and the choice of channel, Telonic’s WLAN experts determine all the necessary parameters with on-site inspections and the corresponding tools. The customer is shown the coverage of his existing Wi-Fi in reports and area diagrams, or receives the information for his future Wi-Fi options. If Telonic is subsequently commissioned to set up the Wi-Fi, we will take responsibility for making it a reality.
Telonic’s technical experts can be hired to carry out the analysis of a problem that has arisen. In many cases in IT, the cause of a problem is difficult to pinpoint, because the reasons can range from the cabling to the application. With the know-how and the appropriate tools, Telonic’s technical experts can help customers to precisely identify the root cause of a problem.